
International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Mathematics

Aims & Scope

The IJEMD-M aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in various branches of mathematics. The journal welcomes original research papers, surveys, expository, and review articles that contribute to the advancement of mathematical knowledge and its applications. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  1. Mathematical Analysis: This field encompasses topics such as real and complex variable methods, functional analysis, measure theory, and calculus of variations.
  2. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations and Applications: This area focuses on the theory, analysis, and applications of ordinary and partial differential equations in diverse fields, including physics, engineering, and mathematical biology.
  3. Fractional Integration-Differentiation and Applications: This field explores fractional calculus and its applications in various mathematical and scientific disciplines.
  4. Mathematical Physics: This branch of mathematics investigates the mathematical foundations of physics, including quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and mathematical modeling of physical phenomena.
  5. Dynamical Systems: This field studies the behavior and properties of dynamic systems, including chaos theory, stability analysis, and nonlinear dynamics.
  6. Approximations: This area deals with approximation theory, numerical methods, and computational mathematics, focusing on techniques for obtaining approximate solutions to mathematical problems.
  7. Optimization and Optimal Control: This field involves the development and analysis of optimization algorithms and optimal control strategies, with applications in diverse domains such as operations research, economics, and engineering.
  8. Harmonic Analysis: This branch of mathematics explores the representation and analysis of functions and signals in terms of harmonic components, including Fourier analysis, wavelets, and signal processing.
  9. Operator Theory: This field investigates the properties and applications of linear operators in functional analysis, including spectral theory, operator algebras, and operator equations.
  10. Applied Harmonic Analysis: This area focuses on the application of harmonic analysis techniques to various scientific and engineering problems, such as image and signal processing, data compression, and pattern recognition.
  11. Analytical Methods in Probability Theory: This field involves the study of probabilistic methods, stochastic processes, and their applications in mathematical modeling and statistical analysis.
  12. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes: This area encompasses statistical theory, inference methods, and stochastic processes, with applications in data analysis, decision theory, and risk modeling.
  13. Mathematical Biology: This field explores the use of mathematical methods to study biological phenomena, including population dynamics, epidemiology, bioinformatics, and biomechanics.
  14. Computational Mathematics: This area focuses on the development and analysis of computational algorithms and numerical methods for solving mathematical problems, including simulation, optimization, and data analysis.
  15. Mathematical Modeling: This field involves the construction and analysis of mathematical models to describe and predict real-world phenomena, with applications in various scientific and engineering disciplines.
  16. Theory of Algorithms: This area explores the design, analysis, and complexity of algorithms, including algorithmic graph theory, computational complexity theory, and algorithmic game theory.
  17. Computational Logic: This field investigates formal logical systems and their applications in computer science, artificial intelligence, and automated reasoning.
  18. Applied Combinatorics: This area deals with combinatorial methods and techniques in applied settings, such as network analysis, scheduling, cryptography, and coding theory.
  19. Coding Theory: This branch of mathematics focuses on error detection and correction codes, coding theory algorithms, and their applications in information theory and communication systems.
  20. Cryptography: This field involves the study of secure communication protocols, encryption schemes, and cryptographic algorithms, with applications in information security and data protection.
  21. Fuzzy Theory with Applications: This area explores fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets, and fuzzy systems, and their applications in decision-making, pattern recognition, and control systems.
  22. Fluid Mechanics: This field investigates the mathematical modeling and analysis of fluid flow, including fluid dynamics, turbulence, and hydrodynamics.
  23. Fuzzy Optimization: This area focuses on optimization problems involving fuzzy parameters or objectives, with applications in decision-making, resource allocation, and system design.

The IJEMD-M welcomes contributions from researchers across these diverse areas, providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of mathematical knowledge and its applications.

Types of Articles

The journal seeks to publish four types of contributions in the form of:

  1. Original articles: Articles which represent in-depth research in various scientific disciplines.
  2. Review articles: Should normally comprise less than 10,000 words; contain unstructured abstract and includes up-to-date references. Meta-analyses are considered as reviews. Special attention will be paid to the teaching value of review papers.
  3. Expository articles: Articles that aim to explain mathematical concepts, theories, or topics in a clear and accessible manner.
  4. Survey articles: Articles that provide a comprehensive and organized overview of a particular area of mathematics. These articles aim to summarize and present the existing body of knowledge, research, and developments in a specific mathematical field.